Thursday, April 5, 2012

Mt. 27:11-26 - Jesus Before Pilate

     Jesus had told His disciples they would be brought be political authorities to give account of their faith. So will many of us in the future. In fact Christ followers in many countries not friendly to the gospel are experiencing this now.
     It is worth re-reading Jesus’ words before we see how He witnessed before a governor named Pilate.
     “On my account you will be brought before governors and kings as witnesses to them and to the Gentiles. But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you" Mt. 10:17-20.
     As I read the story of Jesus' trial before Pilate, I am struck with several things. Jesus was courteous to this man who at best was a conniving, unjust politician. He answered politely when questioned, sometimes letting his silence testify to His pure character. Why protest against accusations that are obviously untrue. Even Pilate realized the Jewish leaders were merely envious (Mt. 27:18).
     But I am most impressed with how Jesus tries to win Pilate's heart. John says the most about their conversation (Jn. 18). Jesus tells Pilate "You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me" (v.37).
     Pilate replies, "What is truth?" Almost Pilate! You are so close. Now just listen to Jesus give His answer, and your heart may be won. But Pilate is distracted by the shouts of the crowd and too concerned about his own political career, he misses his golden opportunity.
     God even sends Pilate's wife a vision about Jesus as a warning to do justice (Mt. 27:19). God is that interested in each person's salvation.
     Here Jesus is, on trial for His life, and He is more focused on winning Pilate's heart than His own safety. Amazing patience and love!  Clearly, the Holy Spirit was doing for Jesus what He has done for Christ followers down through history in similar circumstances, giving Him the right words to say. But the choice is every person's to make, and we must be satisfied to just be a witness and bring glory to God in what we say.
     Three times Pilate announces to the Jews that Jesus is innocent; he can find no fault in Him. He even tries through a Passover custom to substitute the murderer Barabbas (son of Abba) for the release of the true Son of Abba, but is refused.
     What a story it would have been had Pilate, like the Roman Centurion and the thief on the cross, confessed Christ. He had a wonderful opportunity. But someday he will be raised to see the King of Kings coming in the clouds of heaven (Rev. 1:7; 19:11-18). Then "the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty. . .hid in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains. They called to the mountains and the rocks, 'Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne. . .'" (Rev. 6:15-16)
     For Pilate it is “What would have been.” Jesus, on the other hand was God’s faithful Witness. We also can be.    

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